My name is Mou Samaneath. I am 30 years old farmer lives in Phnom Khiev village, OKrieng commune, Sambo district. I became Mobile Malaria Worker (MMW) In January 2019 because HC staff chose me because I am a primary nurse. I go to the forest 2 or 3 days per month, and each time for the whole day, however, I rarely stay overnight in the forest. Because of my contribution to work, malaria cases are decreasing in my village. I think working as MMW or VMW is doing the right thing and be a small part of social contribution and support. As a challenge, in the rainy season, it is very difficult for me to go into the forest for active case finding because of poor road conditions. Sometimes, my motorbike got broken, going into the forest. Another challenge is that it is difficult to get blood tests from forest goers because the forest goers believe they can get diseases from RDTs. As a suggestion, it would be good to have increasing financial incentives for this work, because I need money for my gasoline going into the forest and for fixing for my motorbike. And also, I would like to suggest having some financial support for the poor and older people for transportation to get malaria or other health services at the HC.
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